Not that our church has a negative attitude, they really don’t, they are just learning to do new things and serving at my first church as pastor I am learning along with them. We have made some great strides and have experienced significant growth as a result. Frankly the people of the church deserve more credit for allowing God to use and stretch them than I do as the pastor.
Mayfair has finally reached the point where we are almost always over 100 in attendance during our worship services. We actually had a low Sunday this week, due to illness and some families traveling, but still had over 90 in attendance. We’ve come a long way since our low Sundays were in the 30’s.
I started a sermon series on love that I am really excited about. It’s only a three week series but I believe it has the potential to not only be life changing but also change the dynamic of our church. I preached the first message titled “Love the Way God Intended” Sunday and we had three people come forward and join the church. I’m sure it was God working in their lives more than it was the words coming out of my mouth.
Right Now on the Message Boards
Christians being persecuted in Mexico
Ok be honest how did you like Jacksonville? You know that is where I moved from 6 months ago when God called me to Oklahoma:-)I was born and raised there.... HUGE difference in the people! Just wondering if you noticed that too
Hey barbie,
Sorry for the delay in responding. I really enjoyed my visit to Jacksonville!
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