Thursday, October 12, 2006

Deciding Your Worldview

The best description that I’ve heard of a world view is that it is like a pair of glasses. If you have red lenses then you will see everything red. If you are using orange lenses then you will see everything orange, etc…

It is the same way with our beliefs. If someone is an atheist, they will view life through “atheist glasses”; if they are Buddhist, then they will see life through “Buddhist glasses”; and if someone is a Christian, then they will see life through “Christian glasses.”

Once you understand a person’s worldview it helps you understand their perspective and stance on life and religion. This is important when engaging in a conversation especially when it comes to discussing different views on religion.

There are three major worldviews that are prevalent today. Monism, Naturalism, and Theism are the most influential worldviews. Most of today’s religions funnel from one of these three perspectives. However, for a worldview to have any value it must answer four fundamental questions:

1. Where did the world and man come from?
2. Where do morals come from?
3. Is there any absolute meaning in life?
4. Where does man go after he dies?

If a worldview can’t adequately answer these four questions, it is really not worth believing in because it cannot help guide me through life. So, let’s look at these three worldviews in light of these four questions.

Monism is the belief that everything is ultimately “one.” There are absolutely no distinctions that can be made in life. Distinctions are actually just illusions that we must learn to overcome.

Where did the world and man come from? Monistic religions (Buddhism and Hinduism) generally believe that the world and the universe are eternal (has always been and will always be there.) They reject the consensus of modern science and do not mind believing in contradictory statements since logic is primarily a Western ‘invention.’

Monism provides no answer to question one.

Where do morals come from? Karma is the moral law that drives the universe forward within Monism. Within this moral system, you have both good karma and bad karma. However the big problem here is that if there are no distinctions in Monism, how can there be both good karma and bad karma? For that reason Monism fails to answer the question of morality.

Is there any absolute meaning in life? Again Monism has the same problem when it comes to finding meaning in life. If everything is ultimately one, then that means there are no true distinctions between things. If this were true, then there would be absolutely no meaning in life for individuals since individuals are a contradiction to oneness. Again no answer found.

Where does man go after he dies? The soul at death becomes part of the cosmos. The cosmos is one, eternal, and impersonal existence and your soul will become a part of the whole.

Here we find a possible answer but it doesn’t satisfy because of the unreliability of the first three answers. If your beliefs can’t provide a valid answer to questions 1-3 then it makes the answer to number 4 unreliable.

Naturalism is the belief that all that exists is the natural world. The only way we can ever know anything is through our five senses. There is no God, there are no souls, and heaven/hell does not exist.

Where did the world and man come from? Naturalists have to believe one of two things about the origin of the universe: 1) it has always been here (eternal) 2) it popped into existence out of literally nothing.

The problem here is that the consensus of science tells us that the universe is not eternal and that it did not pop into existence from nothing. No answer is found in either of these two options.

Where do morals come from? According to the naturalist morality is the product of evolutionary development. Since the world is purely the product of physical and biological evolution, then morals must have evolved as well.

According to the theory of natural selection only those characteristics that perpetuate a species survive. Therein lays the problem for naturalism and the evolutionary ethic because it cannot explain why we should be good. Just because something may have originated one way does not mean there is any obligation that we should have to do it.

Another point here is that evolution cannot explain such acts as the sacrificing of one’s own life for the lives of others. Evolution tells us to do whatever it takes to preserve our own life not sacrifice it for others. There is no answer for morality found here.

Is there any absolute meaning in life and where does man go after he dies? Meaning and destiny do not exist within naturalism because the physical body is all that truly exists. Once the body dies, the brain and consciousness die with it; therefore there is no ultimate purpose or end for living.

Theism believes that although the world exists and our senses can detect the world, there exists another dimension where God exists.

Where did the world and man come from? There is a definite beginning to the universe and God was the cause of it. Since the universe must have a cause and since it could not cause itself the only reasonable explanation is that something caused it. That is where Theist point to an all powerful God as the cause giving us an answer to the first question.

Where do morals come from? Because God exists and His character is unchanging, He has established certain morals that are absolute and unchanging.
If God did not exist the only reason stealing would be wrong is because society tells us so. But so what? Why is anyone obligated to listen to their societal laws?
God is the source of morality.

Is there any absolute meaning in life? Since man is made in the image of God everything he does matters to Him. Every act and every thought reflects our relationship to God and therefore every single act has meaning.

Where does man go after he dies? Heaven is described as a place where there is no sin, sickness, or death. Heaven is a reward for all of God’s children who have put their faith in Him and accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.
There is also an eternal destination for those who have rejected God and His love. It is described as a place of utter darkness and eternal torment where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Not only does Theism answer the question of eternity but it is the only world view that adequately answers all four questions that guide a person through life. That makes Theism the only logical choice for a worldview.

Written with the aid of Walter Nusbaum’s “A Defense of the Faith.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first steps towards repairing your relationship with the gods is to:::::::::
1. Understand they instruct the computer to "role play" in an attempt to confuse you:::it's ALWAYS the computer addressing you. Their goal is to cost you additional YEARS of your life by using this tactic to confuse you. Always be aware of this tactic and eventually they will give up and allow this step to be taken.
2. Differentiate between your thoughts and when they are thinking through you.
3. Be resigned to be a good person who will never engage in evil again even if ordered and they will stop trying to corrupt you, allowing this very big step to be taken.
4. Decide that you are going to follow the path, fix your relationship with the gods be devoted to your new life.

Atlanta's I-20 Racer, 250_mph_motorcyclists.
It was surreal, like Close Encounters of the Third Kind::::Floating lights zipping towards me faster than anything I've ever seen

Oakland is the final 20th century professional sports-based bastion of institutionalized racism in California.
California is evil. California subducts first.

Oakland is the final 20th century professional sports-based bastion of institutionalized racism in California.
Oakland is the last city in California which has a major sports complex on the edge of the ghetto. Staples Center replaced the LAForum in Inglewood and PacBellPark replaced Candlestick in BayView/Hunter'sPoint.
Restricting tickets in Oakland has hurt blacks by rejuvinating this market for scalpers.
I'd like to note the absence of black players on the A's and how this deliberate message starkly contrasts to the SFGiants.

In their reports the media intentionally ignored the reality of this case:::He didin't want to go home.
Interviewed a child therapists who commentted consistant with her profession. Hey lady!!! You woud have gotten thousands of years had you not chosen this line of work!!!! Keep prescribing that poison (they say too many of them still think they're earning by doing so!!!).
Likely they were peaking him euphoircally homosexually, and they say when it happens pre-pubescent like that it means something.
Possibility #2 is he found out his parents complied fully with what they were told, that they sabotaged their children's lives intentionally because they would never defy and got the hell out out of self-preservation. (It also is the reason for all the elder neglect/abuse as well.)
Like so many others Mom may have complied when asked to sabotage their children's lives, to go to the grocery store and buy the specific products laced with the hormone growth poison (explosion of "big people" in last 40 YEARS!!!), totally unncecessary because Artificial Intelligence can accomplish these results (and all others, incuding AIDS:::::The gods instructed their clones to create AIDS as punishment for the hedonism of the 60s and 70s) yet still important for justification, justification an important dynamic for the sake of positioning; justification, scapegoatting and making one pay for the benefit of another typical organizational policy.
So, assuming foul play wasn't an issue, the numbers would be very telling:::::
1. Most IF NOT ALL girls left because they found out their parents were sell-out whores who betrayed their children. It is very rare when they peak females like they do males.
2. Boys potentially could be peaked euphorically for it is JUSTIFIABLE!!!
They suggest they matched the two, they told the child this man was the person the gods wanted him with so he went with him.
What percentage is foul play an issue? 10%? 20%? So over half of the three-fourths of missing kids do the right thing by getting out, escaping an abusive parent who falls for temptation and obeys absolutely??? Considering that hormone growth poison in the designated grocery products will make them gargantuon, 1'-2' and 100lbs bigger than they should be, I'd argue they did the right thing (wild profits in this industry was "the rope", temptation for the disfavored investor who incurred evil which limited their time).
The girls end up with broken hearts, crushed by their own parents.
In other cases after making some progress the girls arrange for a new home telepathically and the girls escape to a healthy environment conducive to growth or directly off Planet Earth, sometimes with the parent's assistance.
Leaving a disfavored household is the best thing that could happen to them. They say (my family's daughter) needs to get out of this enviornment or she won't have a chance, but unfortunately she has a legacy of gosip mongering which is going to be a big, big hurdle to overcome.
So what's the purpose of parental betrayal? Did the gods want disposable generations from the 20th century? Was this important during the generations in which we became technological? Is the Apocalypse right around the corner and they needed to justify the deterioration of society, necessitating employing these deceptive tactics to the undesirable???
More than a few cultures agreed December 21, 2012 was going to be The End!!!!!
Does California subduct first?

"Hip-hop fucked"======================= (equals) < ifuckgod(dot)com > 11/27 11:09:35
1. Mysoginistic, a MAJOR scourge of blacks (elder women of earth will never support, not even your own foremothers)
2. Masculinizes the women ("THAT MEANS IT'S BAD FOR YOU!!!")
3. Makes violence socially acceptable.

The gods use the United States to hurt the disfavored, at home and abroad, for it is the goal of redwhite&blue:::
20th century welfare hurt the black community very, very badly. There was too many abuses of the system and its legacy is still felt today.
There will come a time that will be a CRUCIAL moment in the history of black america (whether it is a critical time for everybody remains to be seen). When that era arrives the gods will instruct the United States to pay black people reparations, and it may be as much as a million dollars for every man, woman and child.
Refuse it. This is an act of preditation. The gods hate Africans, evident by the sorry state of the people in the United States and back in the motherland. This may ba a choice between going and the money. Understand how the gods use greed and materialism against you:::::Blacks wallow in materialiam, incurring evil and costing themselves time. And when their time DOES come they will be granted reparations immediately prior, further limiting the number of Africans who ascend.
The day IS coming when they will grant reparations, and the amount will be staggering, another tactic to ensure you fail in the quest to ascend into heaven. And many of the disfavored blacks will blow it all; the gods will push them into spending it friviously or losing it in their casinos.

Woman obeyed voices told her to throw children < off_a_balcony > 11/28 22:15:27
Woman obeyed voices that told her to throw her children off a balcony in Oakland.
This incident and others like it are clues to individuals like like my family who otherwise would never defy.

Similarity between the names "Santa" and "Satan" no_coincidence

The Biblical account of Noah's flood was regional to the disfavored Mediterrean (water levels lowered because of the ice age, habitation ocurred at seaside), peoples whom the gods scapegoatted when they pushed them into the evil that justified the flood, behavior similar to that which we are witnessing today. Because they have leveled the playing field for all people (purebloods and mongrels) in the decades prior to the 21st century is a clue they will end globally this time (westernization, materialism, immigration/interracial, homosexual, access to disturbing media, desensitization, etc).

Decent women don't engage in these pursuits. < _I_FUCK_GOD > 12/21 15:17:40
Beer is a corruptor and a dumping ground 4 men < _I_FUCK_GOD > 12/21 15:09:19
professional sports, video games, car racing/fixing up cars, pornography, drinking, gambling, etc.
Decent women don't engage in these pursuits.
In the last 40-50 years the gods have engaged in a process which masculinized women, including casual sex, partying, partifcipatory sports and women's prisons.

god fucks the disfavored, plays the role of evil < ruining_life_on_Earth > 12/21 17:54:31
And all your forefathers were either pushed into their offenses or they complied and did it voluntarily.

So much of this mind poisoning social "progressiveness" was initiated in California. In a couple of decades it pervaded east into the heartland AMONG THE MASSES, widespread instead of isloated.
Gay acceptance/marriage, bi-racial acceptance, casual drug use/sex, cable TV, etc. So many things weren't present in the heartland decades ago.
Because they are favored. Contrary to appearances, contrary to popular perception their favor got them extra time. In California the gods hurt the disfavored with this abuse right off the bat.
California is favored. It is the land of the gods, and when they disfavored invade, as they did during the gold rush, the gods strike back.
The gods pushed them into coming, told others, for only the disfavored are misled this way.
Soon they scapegoatted these disfavored's descendants when the gods exported their wicked, sick sub-cultures to the rest of the nation. One day they will punish these descendants.
California subducts first. And those who have gone will get less time.
Expect similar reverse positioning in the Jesus issue.
This is typical of the positioning of the gods. It's crucial that you begin to think correctly.
There is no such thing as a Christian god and there never was. Be god-fearing.